Holograph copy of MINT00350 (Mint 19/3/14), headed 'The Clause in an Act of Parliament made in Scotland A.C. 1690'
An Extract out of\The clause in/ an Act of Parliament made in Scotland A.C. 1690, entituled, An Act anent an humble offer to his Majesty for an imposition upon certain commodi{illeg}|t|ies for defraying the expence of a free coynage.
It is ordeined that considering that by the Act of Parliamen{illeg}|t| 1686 anent a free coynage there is only allowed eighteen pounds Scots upon the stone weight of silver for defraying the whole charge wast expences & loss upon its coinage, wch allowance is found by experience to be too small & insufficient: therefore their Majesties with advice & consent {illeg}|o|f the said estates do here by rescind in all time coming that clause of the aforesaid Act, & further stature & ordein that the Master of the Mint have allowed to him in time coming twenty pounds Scotts instea{illeg}|d| of the said eighteen pounds Scots upon the stone weight of silver as the just & reasonable allowance {illeg}|f|or defraying the said charge expence & loss upon its coynage in manner provided in the said Act.