
George R

Whereas an Act of Parliament was made and Passed in the seventh Year of Our Reign Entituled an Act for raysing a Sum̄ not exceeding 500000li by charging Annuities at the rate of five pounds ꝑ Cent ꝑ Ann upon the Civil List Revenues till redeemed by the Crown, And for Enabling his Maty. his heirs or successor (by causing such a Deduction to be made as therein is menconed) to make good to the Civil List the payments shich shall have been made upon the said Annuities And for borrowing Money upon certain Lottery Ticketts And for Discharging the Corporacons for assurances of part of the Money which they were Obliged to pay to his Maty. And for making good a Deficiency to the East India Company And to the End We Our heirs and successors might be Enabled to reimburse Our selves such sum̄ & sum̄s of Money as in pursuance of the said Act shall have been issued or furnished Out of Our Civil List Revenues during Our Life or out of the hereditary Revenues therein menconed after Our Demise for or towards ye paymt: of the Annuitys to be purchased or Obtained thereupon Or for or towards the redempcon of the same It is thereby Enacted That is should and might be lawfull to and for Vs Our heirs & successors by any Warrant Vnder the Great Seal, Privy Seal, or Royal Sign Manual, to cause a Deduction to be made not exceeding six pence in the pound Out of all Moneys which from and after the first day of August 1721 shall be paid for or upon all pencons and Annuities charged upon any of the sd. hereditary or temporary Duties and for and upon all sallarys Fees and Wages payable for or in respect of Officers of profit Granted by or Derived from the Crown And for and upon all other Payments from the Crown wt:soever or for or upon any Arrearages of them or any of them incurred or to be incurred (Except as therein is Excepted) The same Deductions of Our or their Civil Government so long as the said Annuities shall be Vertue of that Act be payable out of the Revenues Charged therewith and untill the same Annuitys shall be redeemed pursuant to the same As by ye same Act relacon being thereunto had may more fully appear Our Will and pleasure Now is And Wee by this Warrant under Our Royal Sign Manual Direct Authorize and Command That a Deduction be made after the rate of six pence in the pound Out of all Moneys which from and after the said first Day of August 1721 shall be paid at the Receipt of Our Exchequer

To the Cofferer of Our houshold for ye time being for the service of Our houshold


To the Trearer of Our Chamber for the time-being for the service of his Office

To the Master of Our Great Wardrobe for the time being for Our Expence & Service in that Office.

To the Master of Our Robes for time being for Sallaries or Allowances or other Vses and Services in the Office of Our Robes.

To the paymar of Our Works for the time being for the Vse and Serice of Our Works or for keeping and Maintaining Our Royal Gardens & Plantacons or for repairing Our private Roads or any other Services Payable in the Office of paymar of Our Works.

To the Commr. or Commrs. for the time being for executing the Office of Master of {Our} horse or such other person or persons as shall be appointed to receive the Money for ye Extrary. Expence of Our Stables or keeping Our Studs.

To Our Ambassadours, Plenepotentiarys, Envoys, Residents, {Conouls}, or other Ministers or Secretarys by Vs employed or to be employed in Our Service abroad for their Ordinary Entertainments or Extrary. Allowances.

To Walter Chetwynde Esq or any other person or persons who for the time being shall receive any Money for payment of pencons or Bountys given by Vs (including the French protestants)

To the Paymaster of Our Band of Penconers for the time being for payment of the Wages and Board Wages of the Officers & Gentlemen of that Band

To such person or persons as do or shall receive the Moneys allowable by Vs for the Maintenance or Family of Our Grand Children or any of them

To any person or persons for the Vse and Service of Our privy purse

To any person or persons for Our Secret Services.

To Our Goldsmith for the time being for Plate Workmanship or other services in Our Iewell Office.

To any person or persons whatsoever for sallarys Fees or other allowances payable at the Receipt of Our Exchequer.

To any person or persons who shall receive Our Money at the said Receipt for any Contingent or other Causes whatsoever or for Arrearages of the said payments or any of them

Other than and Except the Annuitys or Yearly Bonds payable at the said {Rect} of Exchequer to any Corporacon or other persons being Exempted from {illeg} or Imposicons by any Act or Acts or Parliament in that behalfe.

And other then and Except such Moneys as are to be issued at the said {Rect} or repayment of Loanes or for Interest thereof

And other than and Except all otehr Payments to be made at the said Rect. which by any Act or Acts of Parliamt are or shall be Exempted from payment of any Taxes or Imposicons

And other than and except all such Moneys as shall be issued at the said Rect. by {way} of Imprest or upon Accot. for the service of Our Navy or the Victualling thereof or for Land & Sea Service in Our Office of Ordnance of for the pay of Our Guard Guarisons & Land Forces or the Contingent charges thereto belonging


And other than & Except the Annuity or Yearly Sum̄ of 20000li part of ye Annuitys or Yearly Sum̄s payable at the said Receipt to Our Right Welbeloved Son the Prince of Wales or his Trustees during the joint Lives of Our Self and the said Prince, And other than and except such part of the Annuitys or Yearly Sum̄s amounting to 50,000li granted to Our Dearly beloved Daughter the Princess of Wales or to any person or person in trust for her to Commence and take Effect imediatly after the Decease of Our said Son the Prince of Wales.

And Our Pleasure is And Wee do hereby Direct and Command That You and every of You in Your respective places and stations Do take especial Care that the said Deduction of Six pence in the pound be made out of all the said Issues or payments to be made at the Rect of Our Exchequer Except before Excepted And to cause all the Moneys so Deducted to be reserved for the purpose above menconed according to the true Intent and meaning of the said Act and of Our Pleasure herein Declared And for so Doing this being first Entred in the Offices of the Auditor of the Receipt & the Clerk of the Polls shall be to Your and every of You a sufficient Warrant Given at Our Court at Kensington the Eighth Day of August in the Eighth Year of Our Reigne 1721


By his Mats Command

R Walpole

Geo: Baillie

R Edgcumbe

[2] <357v>

A Copy of Kings Warrt for making Deductiosn of Six pence in His pound out of Issues and Payments at His Rect of Exchequer.

[1] To Our Rt. Trusty & Welbeloved Cousin & Councellour Geo Earl of Halifax Audr of the Rect. of Our Excheqr. And to Our Rt. Trusty & Welbeloved Robt. Walpole Iunr. Esq Clerk of the Polls And to the Depty. Chamberlains Tellers and Other Officers of ye said Rect whom this may concern

[2] A Copy

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