Draft of MINT00314 (Mint 19/2/172)
In the course of Exchange 10 9£ \nine pounds/ sterling are recconed \in Holland/ at a par wth 100 Gilders in Holland\specie money of Holland/ or 1£ with 11 Gilders 11G 2 stivers. But 1£ steling {sic}sterling lately passed \in Holland/ only for 10G & 9 or 10 stivers or at a medium |for| 10G 9 stivers. The defect is 1210 styvers, whereof her Maty allowed to ye forces in Flanders {illeg} 5 styvers.
The par between English & French money of ye new species is not yet setled by the course of Exchange, by|u|t by weight & assay I find that a|n| new\unworn/ French Crown piece \of the new species/ wch passes in France \& at Dunkir/ {illeg} for 5 livres is worth 5s 1d stel|r|ling & at this rate 20s English passe is|are| worth 19livrs 13 sous, b|. B|ut \20s English/ passes at Dunkirk for only 17 livres. The defect is 2livres 13 sous {illeg}. And as the defect 12 stivers in the former case to 5 st her Majesties \to 5 stivers/ allowance \5st/ in the former case, so is the defect 2 livers 13 sous to\so are/ 2 livres 13 sous to 23{illeg} sous wch added to 17 livres makes her Maj her Majesties proportional part of ye defect.
By this recconing \therefore/ her Majts Allowance to ye forces at Dunkirk for 20 shillings sterling will\should/ be 19|8| livres 3 sous recconing a French crown new species at 5 livres. But her Maty may increa alter the proportion at pleasure.
When 9£ sterling are recconed at a par wth 100 Gilders specie \specie/ \{illeg}/ money\as above/, the specie money of Holland is overvalued by about 3 per cent For a three Gilder piece|s| \new {illeg}t\unworn// is|ar||e| worth only 62 pence by the weight & assay. \And thence 9£ sterling are intrinsecally worth about 103 Gilders/ And if a recconing was grounded upon this intrinsic value of the Dutch money her Majts allowance over & above 17 livres would be only 15 {illeg} sous. But the rules of Exchange where they are setled being generally followed by all nations I have followed them in the recconing I have set down & being the rules \(as I conceive)/ by wch her Maty made the late allowance \to her fo{illeg}|rc|es in Flanders/ I have followed them in the recconning above set down for Dunkirk. I. Newton