'The value of Gold in proportion to silver in several parts of Europe'
The value of Gold in proportion to silver in several parts of Europe
The Ecu of France goes there for 3liv. 16sol. and {illeg}|b|y the weight & assay is worth 4s 6d English & thence the Livre is worth 1s. 2d∟21. The Lewidor goes there for 14 livres wch amount to 16s 6d∟94 english. At wch rate a Guinea is worth {illeg}|2|0s. 8d. For as 17s. 2d∟8 (the value of an new coynd Lewid'or in England according to the \{illeg}/ Table of Monies) is to 16s. 6d∟94 (the value of the same in France) so is 21s 6d the value of an \unworn/ Guinea in England to 20s. 8d
By the French King's Edict of Sept 17th 1701 the Mark of fine gold is valued at 494 livres 6 sols 4 deniers & the Mark of fine silver at 32 livres 16 sols 7 deniers. According to wch proportion a Guinea of just weight & fineness is worth 20s. 8d in e|E|nglish silver money of just weight & fineness.
The Ducat is coyned every where in Germany & some northern countries adjoyning of the same weight & fineness excepting that ye Hungary Ducats are more certainly of full value. It is coyned for two \old/ Rix dollers of the Empire or nine shillings English, & usually goes at that rate or within two or three styvers more or less, whereas in England it is worth 9s. 6d∟3. But if the Rix{illeg}|d|oller be of a lower value, as are the Rixdollers of Holland Flanders Danemark & several parts of Germany, the Ducat may go for two Rixdollers & 6, 8 or 10 Styvers or above.
In Holland the Guilder or Floren is worth 20d∟82 English & the Styver is 1d∟041, as may be collected from the preceding\said/ Table of forreign monies. And there the Ducat goes usually for 5 Guilders & about 5 styvers, that is in or money for 9s. 1d∟3. At wch rate a Guinea is worth 20s. 6d.
In the Countries of the Electors of Brandenburg Saxony & Hannover & Dukes of Zell Brunswick Lunenburg Wolfenbuttel & some others places are coyned Guildens or Guilders of one & the same value by consent of the Princes, tho of various allays. This Guilder consists of 16 Gute Groshes or 24 Marien Groshes; and 46 Marien Groshes are accounted the value of an old Rixdoller or 4s 6d English. So that a Guilder is worth 2s. 4d or thereabouts By the Table it is worth 2s {illeg}|4|d according to the weight & assay. Now a Ducat goes in the Countries abovementioned for 3 Guilders, that is for 8s. 9d English & sometimes for two or three Groshes more. If it be valued at 9s, a Guinea at that rate will be worth 20s. 4d.
In the same Countries a Lewid'or is valued at 7 Guilders or thereabouts, that is at 16s. 5d. At wch rate a Guinea is worth 20s. 5d.
At Hamborough the Ducat goes for two Dollars & about 8 or 9 sols lubs or sols of Lubec. This Doller is three Marks lubs that is 48 sols lubs, recconing 16 sols to a mark. But the Cross Doller (wch is worth 4s. 4d∟91) goes for 52 sols lubs & therefore the other Doller wch goes but for 48 sols lubs is worth 4s. 0d∟84, or thereabouts. The Marks & sols Lubs are there accounted double to the Marks & sols Dans or of Danema{k}|r|k, & the four Mark piece or crown of Da{illeg}|n|emark goes at Hamborough for two Marks lubs, & by the assay of several pieces is worth 2s. 8d∟4. And at this rate three Marks Lubs are worth 4s. 0d∟6. This is the value of the common H{illeg}|am|borough Doll{illeg}|e|r; & two Dollers & nine sols lubs (the value of the Ducat) {illeg}|a|re 8s. 10d∟4. At which rate a Guinea is worth 20s. 0d.
At Dantzick Gold is very scare. Their Guilder consists of 30 Gros, & the Bank Doller wch is worth about 4s 6d goes \for/ three Guilders 23 Gros. Whence the Guilder is 14d. The Ducat is there valued at about 7 Guilders 12 Gros, or two Bank Dollers wanting four Gros, that is at about 8s. 10d∟09. And at this rate a Guinea is worth 19s. 11d.
At Geneva the Hungary Ducat was lately valued at two Ecus & 2 or 3 sols of France, that is at 9s. 2d or 9s. 3d At wch rates a Guinea is worth about 20s. 9d. There also the Lewid'or was lately valued at 3 Ecus of France or 16s. 10d. At wch rate a Guinea is worth 2{illeg}|1|s. 0d. But Gold was lately higher in France then at present wch might raise the price of Lewid'ors at Geneva. |For there the Spanish Pistole| /was valued only at 3 Ecus or 16s. 6d\
At Genoa the Croisat goes for 7 lires & is worth 6s 6d, & therefore the Lire of Genoa is 10d. And there the Pistole is valued at 17 lires that is 15s. 3d.
At Florence & Legorn, the silver Ducat goes for seven lires & is worth 5s. 4d∟63 & therefore the Lire of Florence\those places/ is 9d∟233. And there & at Leghorn the Pistole goes for 20 lires or 15s. 4d & the Lewid'or & Spanish Pistole for \between/ 20 or|&| 21 lires.
At Naples the Ducat of Silver is worth 3s. 4d∟34. And there the Pistole as I am informed goes for 4 Ducats or 15s. 2d & th
At Rome three Iulios make a Teston & the Teston is worth 1s. 6d∟21. And there the Pistole of Italy goes for ten Testons or
<105r>15s. 2d, & the Spanish Pistole for ten Testons & a Iulioo or 15s 8d
At Ancona in the Gulph of Venice the Hungary Ducat goes for 17 Iulios or 8s. 9d∟4, the Pistole of Italy for 30 Iulios or 15s 2d & the Spanish Pistole for 31 Iulios or 15s. 8d.
If the Ducat of Venice whose value is set down in the preceding Table, be that Ducat, as I am told, which goes now at Venice for 6 lires 4 sols de Piccoli; the Lire of Venice will be 6d∟52. And there the Hungary Ducat wch goes for 16 lires will be worth 8s 8d∟32, & the Sequin of Venice which goes for 17 lires will be worth 9s. 2d∟84, & the Pistole of Venice wch goes for 28 lires will be worth 15s. 2d∟56.
By all wch Gold seems to be lower in Italy then in Franc{e.}
In Spain the Pistole (wch before wearing is here worth 17s. 2d∟8) is recconed at gour pieces of eight of {illeg}|18|s. And in Portugal the Moeda, wch is here worth 27s. 6d, is recconed at 10 Crusados or 28s. 7d∟1. At wch rates the Guinea is worth 22s. 5d in Spain & & {sic} 22s. 4d in Portugal.
Iuly 1st 1702
Errors excepted
Is. Newton.
|+| At Rome Florence Legorn Bull{ai}|o|gn & Ancona (a city upon the Gulph of Venice{)} three Iulio make a Teston & the Teston by assay is worth 1s. 6∟d21 & thence the Iulio is 6∟07d. Ten Iulios make the Escudi or Ecu of Rome but I cannot yet procure that piece of money for an {illeg}|a|ssay. At Florence three Iulios are two lires & 10 Iulios make the Ecu Ducat & thence the Iulio is 6∟15d. Now in those cities the Pistole of Italy goes for 30 Iulios or 15s 4d & the Spanish Pistole for 31 Iulios or 15s. 10d∟65 supposing the Iulio 6∟d15.
At Bulloign & Ancona the Sequin of Venice goes for 18 Iulios or 9s. 2∟7d & the Hungary Ducat for 17 Iulios or 8s. 8∟55d.
If the Ducat of Venice whose value is set down in the Table &c
At Millain the Piece of Eight went lately for 5 lires 17sols & the Philip or silver Dducat for 6 lires. So that the Philip is to the Piece of eight (or 4s. 6d) as 40 to 39 & therefore is worth about 4s. 7d. This piece as I am informed goes at Venice for 17 lires 8 lires & therefore the Sequin wch goes \at Venice/ for 17 lires is there worth 9s. 2d, as before.
At Naples the Ducat of Silver is worth 3s. 4∟43d, as before.
By all which gold seems to be lower in Italy then in France the Spanish Pistole being every where worth less then 16s. At wch rate the Guinea is worth less then 20s
In Spain the Pistole is recconed at four pieces of {8}|e|ight or 18s wch is 9∟2d more then in England. And in Portugal the Moeda is recconed at ten Crusados or 28s. 7d∟1 w{ch is 14d more} then in England. At wch rates a Guinea is worth 22s. 5d in Spain & 22. 5d /in Portugal.\
<105v>In these recconings standard Gold is valued {illeg}|i|n England at 4li ꝑ ounce
as Goldsmiths value it for the melting Pot. The standard value is 3li. 19s 8{d.}
At wch rate about ths of a penny are to be added to the value of the Guinea
in forreign Countries.
I. Stanley
Is. Newton
I. Ellis