Proposes John Rollos, recently appointed royal engraver, to replace the late Samuel Bull as second engraver in the Mint
To the Kings most excellent Majesty.
May it please your Majesty
Mr \Samuel/ Bull the assistant to the cheif graver of yor Majties Mint being dead
The Office of Assistant to the Chief Graver of his {Ma} Your Majties Mint being vacant by the death of Mr {illeg}Samuel Bull, & by a clause in the Letters Patent constituting the said Chief & a|A|ssistant Gravers it being directed that in case the said Assistants place becomes shall become void it may be filled up by such probationer or apprentice as shall be presented to your Majesty by the Warden, Master & Worker of his & Comptroller of his the Mint, by warrant under your Majesties Royal signe Manual: We the \said/ Officers of your Maj{a|e|}sties Mint do most humbly present to your most sacred Majesty Mr John Rollos (to whom for his skill & abilities in engraving, your Majesty hath been lately pleased to grant the Office of Engraver of your signets seales stamps & arms) paying {sic} that the said Office A of Assistant Graver may be filled up by the said Mr John Rollos by your Majesties warrant under your Majesties Royal signe Manual
{illeg}All wch is most humbly submitted to your majesties good Will & pleasure