Petition to succeed his late brother Daniel as assay master, having been his assistant for fifteen years
To the most Honoble the Earl of Oxford,
& Mortimer, Lord High Trear of Great Britain.
The Petiion of Charles Brattell.
Humbly sheweth
That your Petiioner hath at times for these 15 years past officiated as assistant to his Brother Daniel Brattell, her Maties Assay Master in her Maties Mint in the Tower of London, and hopes that he hath discharged that great Trust reposed in him to the satisfaction of those that have been Importers of Gold and Silver since that time,
Your Petiioner therefore humbly prays yor Lordps. favour, that he may be appointed to succeed his deceased Brother in the office of Assay Master.
And your Petr. as in duty bound shall ever pray &c
Whitehall Treary Chambers 31th Ianry. 17
The most honoble the Lord High Treasurer is pleased to Referr this Petiion to the Warden, Master & Worker & Comptroller of Her Majesties Mint in ye Tower of London who are to Examine the Petiioners Qualificaions for the Place desired and to Report their Opinion to his Lordp thereupon. Wm Lowndes