
To the Rht: Honble: The Lord's Commrs: of His Majts: Treasury

The humble Peticon of The Clerks of his Majts: Mint within ye: Tower of London


That the Business of his Majts: Mint by the Late extraordinary Coinage of Gold and Silvr: Monys hath been greatly encreased to the filling up allmost 20: Iournalls in Large Follio, which will require Severall Yeares Constant attendance. from Your Peticonrs: to transcribe into Leigers Melting Books &c. over & above ye usuall Business in the office

and Your Petirs: Salaries not being sufficient for theire maintainance they respectively amount\ing/ to no more than forty pounds ꝑ Ann: (without any fees or ꝑquisites whatsoever) our of which they have allwayes paid assesments to his Majtie:

Your Petirs: therefore humbly pray Your Lopps: to take the prmisses into considerati\on/ & to settle upon them such standing salaries as to Your Lopp: shall seeme meet – – –

And Yor: Petrs: shall ever pray &c

|I Skingley cl: to ye Ward.
Tho Fowle Comptrollers Clerks
Tho: Porter
Thomas Pendleton
Ioshua White
R Walker cl. to his Maties ch: clerk
Tho: Renitt Assaymaster Cl{illeg}|e|rck.
Griff Thomas clerck to the Surveyer of the Meltings|

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