Six sets of notes on Newton's alchemical reading (c. late 1690s).
Author: Isaac Newton
Source: Mellon Alchemical Mss Mellon Ms. 78, Mellon Alchemical Mss, Beinecke Library, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00111
[Catalogue Entry]
Notes on the preparation of 'philosophical mercury' by fermentation and 'ye mediation of Diana's Doves', on the preparation of 'menstrua', etc.
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in English, c. 2,500 words, 6 pp. on 3 ff.
Source: Keynes Ms. 34, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00023
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
'To make Lucatello's Balsome': a medical recipe, efficacious against 'ye Measell Plague or Small Pox [...] & against poyson & ye biting of a mad dog'.
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in English, c. 250 words, 1 p.
Source: M132/2/5, Stanford University Library, Stanford, California, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00101
[Catalogue Entry]
Draft alchemical treatise or compilation.
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin with odd passages in English, c. 14,000 words, 42 pp. + 4 pp. of unrelated material.
Source: NMAHRB Ms. 1070 A, Dibner Library, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00084
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
'Epistola ad veros Hermetis discipulos continens claves sex principales Philosophiæ secretæ' (early 1690s).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin, c. 4,750 words, 19 pp.
Source: Keynes Ms. 23, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00012
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Incomplete abstract of Yworth's 'Processus Mysterii Magni Philosophicus' condensed into five chapters (c. early 1690s).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in English, c. 3,300 words, 12 pp. on 7 ff.
Source: Keynes Ms. 66, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00055
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Three sets of chemical notes.
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin, c. 3,200 words, 18 pp. of which 4 blank.
Source: Ms. 421, The Babson College Grace K. Babson Collection of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton, The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00095
[Catalogue Entry]
Notes on various (al)chemical processes (separations, processions, sublimations, distillations, etc.).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: mainly in Latin with some English, c. 9,000 words, 17 pp. on 10 ff.
Source: Keynes Ms. 57, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00046
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
'Out of Schroderus Pharmacopia'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1670s or early 1680s, in Latin, 3 pp. and 2 lines + 4 pp. blank.
Source: Location Unknown
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00130
[Catalogue Entry]
'A Key to Snyders'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1670s or 1680s, in Latin with some English, c. 1,000 words, 4 pp. + 4 pp. blank.
Source: Location Unknown
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00131
[Catalogue Entry]
'Notanda Chymica' (late 1660s).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin, c. 1,500 words, 5 pp. (though there is only one word and a page reference on p. 5).
Source: NMAHRB Ms. 1028 B, Dibner Library, Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C., USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00080
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Three lists of alchemical writers and works, partly on the reverse of Mint-related material
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: various dates between 1684 and late 1690s, 8 pp.
Source: Keynes Ms. 13, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00002
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Notes 'Ex Rosario Magno', 2 pp. on.
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin with some English, c. 750 words, 4 ff.
Source: Ms. 415, The Babson College Grace K. Babson Collection of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton, The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00089
[Catalogue Entry]
'Sententiæ notabiles expositæ'
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1670s and/or 1680s, in Latin, c. 1,400 words, 4 pp. + 4 pp. blank.
Source: Location Unknown
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00139
[Catalogue Entry]
'Lib. chem.' and 'Manuscriptu[m] meum' (c. 1696-7).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 2 pp. on 4 ff. of which 3 blank.
Source: Ms. 418, The Babson College Grace K. Babson Collection of the Works of Sir Isaac Newton, The Huntington Library, Art Museum, and Botanical Gardens, San Marino, California, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00092
[Catalogue Entry]
Commentary on Johann de Monte Snyders
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 1670s, in English and Latin, c. 1,200 words, 3 pp. on 2 ff.
Source: Rare Book and Manuscript Library, University of Columbia, New York, USA
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00137
[Catalogue Entry]
'Practica Mariæ Prophetissæ in Artem Alchemicam' (early 1690s).
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in Latin, c. 1,500 words, 4 pp. on 3 ff. of which one blank.
Source: Keynes Ms. 45, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00034
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Notes evidently on Newton's own laboratory experiments
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: 10 Dec. 1678 to 15 Jan. [1678/9?], mostly in English but two sets in Latin, c. 20,000 words, 51 ff. several of which blank.
Source: MS Add. 3973, Cambridge University Library, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00109
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
'Thesaurus Thesaurorum sive Medicina Aurea'.
Author: Isaac Newton
Metadata: in English (apart from the title and the concluding remark 'Laus Deo'), c. 1,200 words, 5 pp. on 3 ff.
Source: Keynes Ms. 61, King's College, Cambridge, UK
Newton Catalogue ID: ALCH00050
[Normalized Text (at Chymistry of Isaac Newton)][Catalogue Entry]
Showing 1–25 of 139 | Sorted by: Relevance | Date | Shelfmark | Newton Catalogue ID (ascending | descending)