Catalogue Entry: THEM00276
A Dissertation upon the Sacred Cubit of the Jews and the Cubits of the several Nations
[1] (a) Vitruvius lib. 3. Hero in Isagoge. Hesychius. Suidas in vocibus ωλέθρον & ωους. Columella lib. 5. de Re Rusticâ, qui cubitum nominat semipedem, quasi pedis & semis. Vid. & Frontin. de Limit. Agrorum; & Isidor. Hispalensem, lib. 15. c. 15. Authors are agreed upon these Cubits, amongst whom Agricola and Mr. Greaves are especially to be consulted.
[2] (b) Abulfedæ Geograph. Arab. and Muhammed Ibn Mesoud, quoted by Mr. Greaves.
[3] (c) Pilgrimage, par. I. lib. I. c. II.
[4] (d) Vide Hygin. de Limitib. constituend. & Siculum Flaccum de Condit. Agrorum.
[5] (e) Hygin. de Limit. constit.
[6] (f) This proportion is expressly set down in Mishnaioth, Tract. de Ghaburim, cap. 4. ה in Comment.
[7] Josephus in Prologo Belli Judaici.