Catalogue Entry: THEM00267
Drafts concerning Solomon's Temple and the sacred cubit
Sotheby Lot
Part of SL228[Editorial Note 1] The text on this page is written upside down.
[Editorial Note 2] The text on this page is written upside down.
[1] α Ita Talmudici.
[2] β Cont. Appion l. 2.
[3] γ Consule codicem Middoth, interprete Constantino L'Empereur. Item quæ Capellus & Arius Montanus ex Rabbinis in Medium produxerunt.
[4] δ De bello Iud. l. 6, c. 5 & l. 7. c. 22.
[5] ✝ Maimon. de cultu divino Tract 7 c 1
[6] ✝ Maimon de cultu divi{no} tr. 1 c 5
[7] ✝ Apud Iosephum cont Appion. lib. 1
[8] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[9] ✝ Apud Ios. cont. App. l. {1}
[10] ✝ Apud Iosephum cont Appion. lib. 1
[11] ✝ Apud Ios. cont. Appion lib 1
[Editorial Note 3] The remainder of this page is written upside down.
[12] Talm. Hierosol. in Ioma c. 6. Vide & Buxtorf. Lex. Tal. in רים, et Ariam Montanum De mensuris.
[13] ✝ 1 Reg 6. 2 Paralip 3
[14] x Ioseph. Antiq l 8 c 2
[15] Ioseph. Antiq. l. 8. c. 2.
[16] Prov. 9.1
[17] a Vide Comment. Constantini l'Empereur in Middoth cap. 4. Sect. 7.
[18] b Maimonides de cultu Dei tract 2. c. 8.
[Editorial Note 4] The remainder of this supplementary passage is written upside down from the bottom of the page.
[Editorial Note 5] The text on this page is written upside down and clearly intended to precede that on f. 22v which, however, is written the right way up.
[Editorial Note 6] This page is written upside down and precedes a portion of text written upside down at the bottom of f. 25r.
[19] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[20] The contents of this note are only visible in the diplomatic transcript because they were deleted on the original manuscript
[21] a Vitruvius lib. 3. Hero in Isagoge. Hesychius Suidas in vocibus πλέθρον et πους. Columella l 5 de R. Rust. qui cubitum nominat semipedem quasi pedis et semis. Vide et Frontinum de limit. agrorum et Isidorum Hispalensem l 15, c. 15. Porrò de his convenit inter scriptores, e quibus ante omnes consule Agricolam et Gravium.
[22] d. Abulfeda Geogr. Arab. & Muhammed Ibn Mesoud, a Gravio citati.
[23] a Purchas Pilgrimage part 1 lib 1. c 11.
[24] Vide Hygenum de limit. constit. Et Siculum Flaccum de condit. agrorum.
[25] Hygenus de limit. const.
[26] a Hæc ratio diserte adnotatur in Misnaioth, tract de Ghaburim cap 4 ה in comment.
[27] a Vt ab Aria Montano citantur
[Editorial Note 7] The text on this page is written upside down.
[Editorial Note 8] The text on this page is written upside down.
[28] ✝ Iosep. in Prologo lib. de Bel. Iud.
[29] a Antiq l 15. c 14