Catalogue Entry: THEM00233
Dr. Clarke's Fourth Reply
[1] See above, Mr. Leibnitz's Second Paper, § 1.
[2] See Appendix, No. 3.
[3] See Appendix, No 4.
[4] See Appendix, No. 9, and 4.
[5] This was occasioned by a Passage in the Private Letter, wherein Mr. Leibnitz's Paper came inclosed.
[6] Deus Æternus est & Infinitus, Omnipotens & Omnisciens; id est, durat ab æterno in æternum, & adest ab infinito in infinitum; omnia regit & omnia cognoscit, quæ fiunt aut sciri possunt. Non est Æternitas vel Infinitas , sed Æternus & Infinitus; non est Duratio vel Spatium , sed durat & adest. Durat Semper, & Adest Ubique; & existendo semper & ubique, Durationem & Spatium, æternitatem & infinitatem constituit. Cùm unaquæque Spatii particula sit semper, & unumquodque Durationis indivisibile momentum Ubique; certè rerum omnium Fabricator ac Dominus, non erit nunquam nusquam. Omnipræsens est, non per Virtutem solam, sed etiam per Substantiam: Nam Virtus sine Substantiâ subsistere non potest, i. e. God is Eternal and Infinite, Omnipotent and Omniscient: That is, he endures from Everlasting to Everlasting, and is present from Infinity to Infinity: He governs all things which are, and knows all
things which are possible to be known. He is not Eternity or Infinity, but Eternal and Infinite. He is not Duration, or Space; but he endures, and is Present. He endures Always, and is Present every where; and, by existing always and every where, constitutes Duration and Space, Eternity and Infinity. Seeing every particle of Space is Always, and every indivisible Moment of Duration is every where; surely it cannot be said of the Maker and Lord of all Things, that he is [at no Time, and in no Place,] Never and Nowhere. He is Omnipresent, not only Virtually, but Substantially: For Power cannot subsist without a Substance. Newtoni Principia, Schol. generale sub finem.[7] See Appendix, No 10.
[8] See above, the Note on § 10.
[9] See Appendix, No 4, and 9.
[10] See Appendix, No 11.
[11] See Appendix, No 5.
[12] See above, the Note on § 10.