Catalogue Entry: THEM00008
Twelve articles on religion
Custodial History
Bought at the Sotheby sale by 'Ulysses' (probably the London bookseller Jacob Schwartz) for £21, and offered to Keynes by Bertram Rota of Bodley House, Vigo St., London W1 on 5 March 1938 for £17.10s.. On 9 April Keynes offered Rota £20 for lots 184 (now Keynes Ms. 118) and 252 (this one), which Rota accepted on behalf of his (unspecified) client on 12 April.
Sotheby Lot
SL252Related Material
Printed in Brewster (1855), 2: 349-50 and McLachlan, Theological Manuscripts, 56-7.