Catalogue Entry: OTHE00066
Appendix 1
[1] 'vegetable oils and animal fats'.
[2] In the Paracelsian sense of 'sulphur' as one of the three 'principles'.
[3] These marginal notes of the prices are taken from Appelius's letter to Hartlib, 6 Nov. 47, HP 45/1/37A-B, though Hartlib's notes do not always correspond exactly to what Appelius told him.
[4] Bezoar, a term possibly derived from Persian and meaning 'counter-poison', applied to a range of supposed mineral remedies in the early modern period. See Partington, History of Chemistry II, 98.
[5] Ie. the 'tincture' (or sulphurous 'principle') is distilled together with the 'menstruum' by passing over the helm, ie. the head of the retort.
[6] Sic: surely a mistake for 'aesten'? The Latin gives 'cum stirpe, radicibus, ramis et frondibus multis' ('with a trunk, roots, many branches and much foliage').
[7] Unambiguously 'XXX thl' on Appelius's list.
[8] Not a word I have encountered anywhere else. It apparently means 'dry' or 'dessicated': the Latin is 'ut nunquam exsiccentur aut tenacia evadent'.
[9] Only 10 according to Appelius.
[10] Ie. alcohol.
[11] This clearly marks the end of Glauber's advertisement; what follow are Appelius's own remarks.