Catalogue Entry: MINT02053
Clerical copy of tenders to supply copper received in response to the advertisement of 30 April 1717 [MINT00630 (Mint 19/2/406)] and forwarded to the Mint with MINT00636 (Mint 19/2/366):
One of eleven different drafts of MINT00630 (Mint 19/2/406)
Mint 19/2/372: [May or June 1717.] Tenderer's name omitted.
Mint 19/2/373: [May or June 1717.] Tender from William Wood. Supplementary note in another hand describing Wood as a Wolverhampton dealer in iron, copper and brass.
Mint 19/2/377: 21 May 1717. Tender from Thomas Chambers.
Mint 19/2/380: 21 May 1717. Tender from Henry Robinson.
Mint 19/2/381: [May or June 1717.] Tender from John Parker.
Mint 19/2/382: [May or June 1717.] Tender from Henry Neale.
Mint 19/2/391: [May or June 1717.] Tender from Henry Hind [Hines, Haines, Hinde].
Mint 19/2/392: 21 May 1717. Tender from John Applebee [Appleby].
Mint 19/2/393: 24 May 1717. Tender from Richard Jones, who also bids to undertake the coining.
Mint 19/2/394: 24 May 1717. Tender from Jonathan Holloway.
Mint 19/2/370: 8 June 1717. Tender from Gabriel Ayres.