Catalogue Entry: MINT00454
'Memoriall Concerning the Mint of Scotland', arguing for a resumption of Scottish coinage, which ceased on 4 August 1710, and an increase in the provision of £1,200 p.a. for the Edinburgh Mint
Enclosed as supporting documentation, in the same clerical hand, are the following:
(a) (Mint 19/3/24) A copy of David Gregory's 1707 report on his re-organisation of the Mint [(MINT00393 (Mint 19/3/173)].
(b) (Mint 19/3/25) 'Schedule of the offices and salaryes of the Officers at the Mint at Edinburgh after setling the said Mint in the same methods of working with the Mint in the Tower': list of the various Mint officers and their salaries and expenses.
(c) (Mint 19/3/26) 'Copy of the Clause Proposed to be Added to the Bill concerning Coynage': draft clause authorising the Treasury to release additional funds to the Edinburgh Mint over and above the already statutory £1,200 p.a. as need shall arise.
(d) (Mint 19/3/27) 'Copy of the Clause in the Act of the 7th of the Queen Concerning the Mint in Scotland': extract of current legislation limiting the Edinburgh Mint's funding to £1,200 p.a.
Related Material
Another copy of all the above in PRO, T1/185, no. 20. See NC, 6: 264, n.1 for a discussion of the content and dating of this memorandum and the reply at MINT00457 (Mint 19/3/56).
[1] Coppie
[2] London 13th. December 1707.