Extract from 'Of Colours'
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58 I tooke a bodkin gh & put it betwixt my eye & the bone as neare to the Backside of my eye as I could: & pressing my eye with the end of it (soe as to make the curvature a, bcdef in my eye) there appeared severall white darke & coloured circles r, s, t, &c. Which circles were plainest when I continued to rub my eye with the point of the bodkin, but if I held my eye & the bodkin still, though I continued to presse my eye with it yet the circles would grow faint & often disappeare untill I renewed them by moving my eye or the bodkin.
59 If the experiment were done in a light roome so that though my eyes were shut some light would get through their lidds There appeared a greate broade blewish darke circle outmost (as ts), & within that another light spot srs whose colour was much like that in the rest of the eye as at k. Within which spot appeared still another blew spot r, especially if I pressed my eye hard & with a small pointed bodkin. & outmost at vt appeared a verge of light
60 But on the contrary if I tryed the experiment in very darke roome the circle ts apeared of a Reddish light sr of a darkish blew & the middle spot r appeared lighter againe; & there seemed to be a circle of darke blew tv without the circle ts the outmost of all [I conceive (in the 60th experiment) where the curvature of the Retina at ma & fn began & was but little the blew colour tv was caused; at ab & ef where the Retina was most concave, the bright circle ts was caused: at bc. & de where the Retina was not much incurved nor strained the darke blew circle sr was caused & at cd where the Retina was stretched & made convex the light spot r was caused. In the 59th Experiment the spirits were perhaps strained out of the Retina at ab, ef, & cd or otherways made incapable of being acted upon by light & soe made a lesse appearance of light than the rest of the Retina]