The seven Vials of wrath described in Chap 15 & 16 are the same with ye Plagues or woes of the seven Trumpets in Chap 8, 9, 10, 11.

This will appear by the following comparison of each Vial with each Trumpet.

I. Chap 8. v 7. And the first Angel sounded & there followed hail & fire mingled with blood, & they were cast upon ye earth, & the third part of the trees were burnt up & all green gras was burnt up. Chap 16. v 2. And the first Angel – poured out his Vial upon the earth, & there fell a noysome & grievous sore upon the men wch had ye mark of ye beast & upon them wch worshiped his Image.

Here the hail & fire mingled with blood wch were cast upon the earth answers to ye Vial poured out upon ye earth. And the trees & grass wch were burnt up answer to ye men wch were infected with ye noysom & grievous sore. ffor trees & grass in visions are used to signify men of high & low degree. |Def    | |Yet it is to be noted that notwithstanding this external resemblance of this Trumpet & Vial their interpretation is somthing different.|

II. Ch 8. v 8, 9. And ye second Angel sounded, & as it were a great mountain burning wth fire was cast into the Sea & the third part of ye Sea became blood. And the third part of ye creatures wch were in the sea and had life died, & the third part of ye ships were destroyed. Ch 16.3. And ye second Angel poured out his Vial upon the Sea, & it became as the blood of a dead man, & every living soul died in the sea.
III. Ch 8.10, 11. And ye third Angel sounded & there fell a great starr from heaven burning as it were a Lamp, & it fell upon ye third part of ye rivers, & upon ye fountains of waters. And the name of the Star is called Wormwood, & ye third part of ye waters became Wormwood, & many men died of ye waters because they were made bitter Ch 16.4, 5, 6. And the third Angel poured out his Vial upon the Rivers & fountains of waters, & they became blood. And I heard ye Angel of ye waters say, Thou art righteous, O Lord, — For they have shed the blood of saints & Prophets & thou hast given them blood to drink.
IIII. Ch 8.12. And the fourth Angel sounded, & the third part of the sun was smitten. Ch 16.8. And the fourth Angel poured out his Vial upon the Sun.
V. Ch 9.1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6. And the fift Angel sounded, – & the Sun, & the Air were darkned by reason of ye smoak of the Pit. And there came out of ye Smoke Locusts – & it was commanded them yt they should hurt – onely those men which have not ye seale of God in their foreheads. — And their torment was as the torment of a Scorpion when he striketh a man. And in those days men shall seek death & shall not find it. Ch 16.10, 11. And ye fift Angel poured out his Vial on the seat of ye Beast, & his kingdom was full of darkness, & they gnawed their tongues for pain, & blasphemed God, becaus of their pains & sores.

The parallelism of ye second third & fourth Trumpet & Vial is manifest. And in this fift there is darkness in both cases; & the seat of ye beast corresponds to the men wch had not ye mark of God in their foreheads; & the pains & sores to ye stingings of Serpents wth wch men were exceedingly tormented but not killed.

VI. Ch. 9.13, 14, 16. And the sixt Angel sounded, & I heard a voicesaying – loos ye four Angels wch Ch 16.12. And ye sixt Angel poured out his Vial upon the great River Eu
are bound in the great River Euphrates. — And ye number of ye army of the horsmen were two hundred thousand thousand. phrates: and the water thereof was dryed up yt the way of the kings of ye east might be prepared.

Here the four Angels bound at Euphrates with their Army manifestly answers to ye kings of the East at ye same river.

VII. Ch 10. {illeg} 7. In the days of ye voice of ye seventh Angel when he shall begin to sound the mystery of God shall be finished. – Ch 11.15. And the seventh Angel sounded & there{illeg} were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of or Lord & of his Christ, & he shall reign for ever & ever. Ch 16.17 And the seventh Angel poured out his vial into ye air & there came a great voice out of the temple of heaven from the Throne saying, It is done. Vers 14, This called the great day of God almighty. vers {15}. being ye day of wch or Saviour \vers. 15/ gives this warning, Behold I come as a Thief.
vers 19 And there were lightnings & voyces & thundrings, & an earthquake, & great haile. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ vers 18 And the nations were angry. – And the time is come that thou shouldst destroy them which destroy {sic} the earth. vers 13, And the tenth part of the City fell. Vers 18, And thy {sic} time \wrath/ is come \& the time of the dead that they should be judged &/ that thou shouldst – destroy them wch destroy the Earth. Vers 18 And there were voices & thunders & lightnings; & there was a great earthquakevers 21, And there fell upon men a great haile out of heaven: – v. 11 And men blasphemed God because of ye plague of the haile. vers 19 And the Cities of ye nations fell, & great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her ye cup of the wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

Thus you see the agreement between the plagues of the seven Vials & the woes of ye seven Trumpets is throughout very punctual; so that I think there can be no doubting of their sameness, especially if it be further considered that the filling of the Censer with fire of ye Altar & casting it on ye Earth (Ch 8.5) might be a type of the pouring out of these Vials by the Angel wch came out of the Temple, & so introduced on purpose <11> to insinuate the connexion of these severall parts of the Apocalyps by ye resemblance of the actions.

And as ye censer \may/ be a representative of ye Vials, so the sealed saints with which ye Prophesy of ye Trumpets is introduced (ch 7.3) corresponds to them that had gotten ye victory over the Beast {sic} & over his Image &c. wth which the other Prophesy of ye Vials is introduced, ch 15.2. ffor ye sealed Saints were contemporary with ye Beast (as shall be shewed hereafter) & consequently were the same with those that got the victory over him.

Object. The Plagues {sic} of the Vials are called the seven last Plagues, ch 15.1. And therefore they succede ye woes of the Trumpets.

Resp. It follows onely that they succeed the first six seales whose calamities of warr desolation & persecution were the first plagues prophesied of in this book, & these the calamities of the last seal. For with respect to that seale they may be properly called the last plagues, especiallly since there was to be none after them. |Or els it might be becaus they were to happen in those ages wch ye Apostels called ye last times.|

< insertion from p 8 >
Vers 19. And there were lightnings & voyces & thundrings & an Earthquake & great hail. — v 18. And the nations were angry. vers 18. And there were voices & {sic} thunders & lightnings; & there was a great earthquake {illeg} v: 21 And there fell upon men a great hail out of heaven {illeg} & men blasphemed God becaus of the Plague of the hail.
Vers 13 And the tenth part of the City fell.     Vers 18 And thy wrath is come & the time of the dead that they should be judged, & that thou shouldst — destroy them wch corrupt the earth.Vers 19: And the cities of ye nations \great city was divided/ into three parts, & the cities of ye nations fell, & great Babylon came in remembrance before God to give unto her the cup of ye wine of the fierceness of his wrath.

I have here put a parallelism between the falling of the tenth part of the city, & the falling of the cities of the nations, not as if they were ye same, but because I take ye former which concludes the sixt Trumpet to be an immediate prodromus \fore-runner/ of the latter wherewith the seventh Vial begins.

And thus you see the agreement between the plagues of the seven the seven vials & ye woes of the seven Trumpets is throughout very punctuall, so that I think there can be no doubting of their sameness |  coincidence., especially if it be further considered \I may add that/ that their Introductions also very much resemble one another. For ye sealed saints wth wch ye Prophesy of the Trumpets is introduced (ch 7.3) correspond {sic} to them that had gotten \get/ the victory over the Beast <10> & over his Image &c wth wch ye other Prophesy of ye Vials is introduced ch 15.2 ffor ye sealed saints were contemporary wth ye Beast as shall be shewed hereafter, & consequently were ye same wth those that got ye victory over him. Also ye Vision of offering incense at ye Altar before ye Angels began to sound, corresponds |  has some resemblance to ye vision of ye Temple appearing opened in heaven & filled with smoke from ye glory of God, out of wch ye seven angels came to pour out ye Vials. Also It may be al And \perhaps/ ye filling of the Censer wth fire of the Altar & casting it on the Earth (ch 8.5) seems to be \may through ye resemblance of ye actions ~ ~ ~ may be conceived as it were/ a type of ye pouring out of these vials by the Angels wch came out of the Temple. & \is/ introduced on purpose to insinuate ye connexion of these severall parts of ye Apocalyps by the resemblance of the actions. And lastly in that ye Vials are called ye seven last Plagues they suit well wth ye Trumpets wch are ye plagues of the last Seale & inflicted on those wicked ages wch ye Prophets & Apostles considered as ye last times.

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